Fantastic Festivals

We are so excited to bring to you another e-book!  Fantastic Festivals is a design book for festivals and fairs.  Many of the designs take less than 5 minutes to complete and can be competitively priced, from $3.00-$10.00.  Included are popular designs amongst kids and teens, while also incorporating traditional mehndi elements.

Priced at just $5.00, you earn back your investment with the application of just one design!

Okay, so some of the designs are definitely not henna inspired at all, and are designs that are trendy and hot amongst teens.  It's okay though because we all know that every festival gets the young kid who thinks everything is beautiful but wants to standards infinity love, or a group of friends all want their right wrist done with the same anchor.  

Here are some examples:

While some designs are definitely the trendy type (the ones where you want to sometimes shoot yourself), there are plenty of others that are henna inspired.  Seeking inspiration from Indian and Arabic design elements, the pages are filled with fun five and ten dollar designs that can easily be done for people of all ages!

And for the first 10 people, you can get your hands on this ebook for free!  Add this item to your shopping cart and enter coupon code Festivals2014.  No purchase necessary!