Henna Kraft

Practice makes perfect.  And continually practicing henna will help an individual achieve their henna goals. 

Today, we will share with you some henna done on kraft paper.  These are small motifs that have been applied to paper using older henna paste. 

Practicing on paper, or an acrylic template are the best ways to perfect a skill or technique without having the henna stain the skin.  You can also use practice cones on the skin (practice cones have low dye quality because they are older henna paste and will not stain the skin as well as a fresh henna cone would).

 These practice motifs are part of perfecting gulf henna skills.  Gulf henna designs are marked by unusual placements, juxtaposition, repetitive patterns, and the use of bold and fine lines. 
Have you been practicing your henna skills?  Share your skills with us on social media @HennaArtCanada