For hundreds of years, we have explored ways to change our self-image especially for women. From our hair to our nails to what we wear.
After working with Henna Art Canada, I became more conscientious of what Henna does for the body and began doing my research to share my knowledge. I then decided to experiment for my own knowledge as it had been over a year since I had artificially dyed my hair.
I started out small so it I wouldn't be such a drastic change. My recipe included 3 Tablespoons of Organic Henna, 5 Tablespoons of Indigo, 1 cup of Plain Greek Yogurt, Egg Whites and 10 drops of Essential Oil. After combing through the hair, massaging the scalp, letting it sit for 4 hours. I slowly washed out the clay like paste.
The first day, I noticed my hair and scalp to be overly greasy. To my knowledge now, this was due to the pours on my head to open which balanced out its natural oils. It would make sense as to how the grains of the henna made a great exfoliant.
As the days progressed, I took notice of how my ends felt. Of how the body of my hair became thicker like its structure completely changed. Although the dye was not prominent for the amount I used, it was a full protein treatment.
Weeks have now gone by and the color has hardly faded. I have noticed new baby hairs growing from my scalp. This is something I did not know was possible. The natural shine to my hair really has shown me how healthy has become.
For access to these products, click on the links below:
Natural Hair Care
High Quality Essential Oils