A one-on-one henna troubleshooting video chat for 30 minutes.
Having trouble with a certain design? Want to become better at some techniques? Tired of looking through online tutorials?
This henna troubleshooting session is a one on one session with a professional artist on our team. You will have the opportunity to Skype or FaceTime with an artist for 30 minutes and get all your questions answered. You can ask just about anything you want related to henna. Ask about natural hair dying using henna for hair, or using glitter on bridal henna designs. No matter what your query is, we have an answer for that!
Be sure to check out our blog for many photo tutorials on henna.
Some previously discussions are:
I am having trouble making henna paste
What is the right consistency of henna?
How do I roll a mylar cone?
How to do the shading technique?
How do I use the draping technique?
How do you use dry glitter?
How should I place bridal elements?