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Hair Myths Busted |
There are a few common henna myths out there and we are here to bust them! So let’s take a look at some of the most common ones and the myths behind them.
Myth #1: Lemon Juice
In this myth there are a couple things that should be said. One is that some say never use lemon juice when mixing with henna, while others say always use it. So what is the right answer? Well it all depends on what you are mixing your henna to use it for. Are you mixing your henna to use on your hair, then you might want to skip the lemon juice and use warm water instead as lemon juice can dry out the hair making it brittle due to the acidity in it. Are you mixing your henna to use for body art, then yes go ahead and use lemon juice as the lemon juice breaks down the lawsone in the henna releasing more dye resulting in a darker stain.
Myth #2: Freeze Your Henna Powder
This does not actually need to be done. As long as your henna powder is stored in an airtight container away from sunlight it will be fine and can last years. If you put your henna powder in the freezer you could risk compromising the henna due to condensation, so it is not recommended. You don’t want your powder to lose its freshness.
Myth #3: Don’t Use Metal Containers
This is true and also false at the same time. Using a plain metal bowl, other than stainless steel, can actually release toxins into the henna as you make it due to the oxidation process it goes through. It is recommended that glass, ceramic or stainless steel bowls be used to make and sit your henna.
Myth #4: Henna is Bad for Your Hair
This is not true. Henna is actually very good for your hair and scalp, giving it a rich and full color. However, black henna or Kali Mehndi is bad and should not be used. It has a chemical in it called PPD or paraphenylenediamine which can cause serious reactions to the scalp and hair such as blisters, burns, scars and in some severe cases even death – Eek.
Using henna hair dye helps to coat the hair and pushes the cuticles back into place resulting in a rich, soft and thicker hair, while conditioning the scalp and adding moisture. Chemically treated hair on the other hand opens and lifts the cuticles to dye the hair which can seriously damage the hair follicle resulting in brittle, frizzy hair.
Myth #5: Make Hair Brittle Especially over Bleached Hair
In its pure form henna actually strengthens the hair. However, if used with lemon juice or contains additives, preservatives or chemicals like PPD then yes it will damage the hair. Pure henna binds with the keratin in the hair making is stronger. It penetrates and coats the hair and skin resulting in a richer color. It also makes the hair feel and look thicker making for stronger and healthier hair especially when use is repeated. It helps to bring dull, dry and damaged hair back to life by closing the shaft of the hair follicle so that foreign particles cannot penetrate it. When mixed with warm water and/or black tea it repairs the hair thus not making it brittle at all, however, do not use lemon juice and this will make the hair brittle.
Myth #6: Makes Hair Coarse and Straw-Like
Chemically treated hair is damaged hair. While henna dyed hair is not. Henna coats previously chemically damaged hair and repairs it, making it feel thicker and perhaps a little rough, but once the chemically treated hair has grown out the hair will feel more soft and supple.
Myth #7: Makes Hair Fall Out
No henna hair dye will not make your hair fall out; it actually helps to strengthen the hair making it healthier. Henna helps to prevent thinning, breaking and falling out of hair. With continued use of henna hair dye one will see less breaking and falling over time.
Myth #8: Can’t Henna Over Chemically Colored Hair
This myth is a tough one, but yes in the end you can henna over chemically colored hair as long as you are using pure henna. However if you use henna that has additives in it your hair could actually turn green – oh goodness. Before coloring your chemically colored hair with henna be sure to do a strand test first to ensure the color – not green!! Hair must also be clean with no product in it before applying the henna hair dye.
Myth #9: Henna Hair Dye Color is only Red
On its own, yes henna hair dye is a reddish-orange color, however if you mix henna with indigo you can get a rich dark black-brown color. So there is depth in the color wheel if henna hair dye, though bright colors such as green, blue or yellow, are not achievable. Also remember to start light and go darker with your color as once you go dark with henna you cannot go back.
Myth #10: Can’t Chemically Dye Hair After Hennaing
With this myth it all depends on how often you have hennaed your hair. The longer you have hennaed your hair the longer it will take to get the new color you want with chemical hair dye. But do not be afraid, your color will come back, but it may just take a few treatments. It is also important to ensure that you use pure henna when dying your hair because if there were any additives in it, it could once again turn your hair an unwanted color, so be sure to do a test strand first and if all else fails see a professional.