Starter Henna Kit

Have you heard about our Starter Henna Kit?

We packaged a great little kit for our customers to get into when they are done using henna bottles.  The bottles are a little hard on the hands, because the plastic of the bottle requires quite a bit of pressure.  This may cause hand fatigue and might even make you want to quit doing henna.  Although, on the other hand, our Beginner DIY kit is a great kit for kids, young teens, small DIY birthday parties, or to take on a holiday so you can have natural and organic henna.

Instead of a bottle and tip like in the Beginner kit, we have included cello cones in the starter kit.  This requires a little bit more patience, as you have to actually seal each cone individually before using.  You can also just use a small rubber band and tie up the top of the cone with a rubber band.  This is a quick and easy method for henna, and is actually used by many artists.  The starter kit includes the following:
  • 50 grams henna powder
  • 10 mL essential oil blend
  • 10 cello cones
  • 1 carrot bag
  • instructions
  • design ideas
You start by mixing the henna powder according to the instructions included with the kit.  Then you fill the applicators like in this tutorial's last section.  Then you enjoy henna-ing people!